may 31st 2010.
destination : TIDUNG
some of you might ask, where exactly is that?
well, Tidung is a small island (I seriously mean it, es-em-a-el-el) in Thousand Islands.
this could be an alternative when you're already bored with Bidadari or Pramuka Island
how to reach it?
with a small boat (IDR 33.000 per pax), you can start the ride either from Ancol or Angke.
mine was from Angke and I've got one small tip for you : be ready for the ultra stinky fish smell. yaiks
I went with 12 other friends from campus. with me, it made 12 girls and one boy. yap, ONE.
we reached the island after 2,5 hrs.
the whole island looked exactly like a small village.
no cars (ya iyalah, namanya tengah2 pulau), no hotels, no malls (ngarep), nothing but pretty sandy beach and small houses for tourists to sleepover.
talking about our house, it wasn't quite comfy. frankly speaking, it was so damn hot and humid there, yet they didn't have proper air circulation nor AC (you wish).
furthermore, this one was also like, DUH?
as we entered the front porch, those words caught our attention.
we opened the door, we saw them.
looked to the left, saw them again.
looked to the left, again : JIKA AKU BERZINAH KUTUKLAH AKU.
and some other variations of sentences with one same meaning.
the point is, those words existed everywhere inside the house.
dikira lesbian semua kali *maaf kebawa emosi*
ehm. let's just leave that goddamned zinah thingy.
turned out that the island wasn't really that small. I suggest you to rent a bike, otherwise you'll suffer from a horrible ache due to too much walking.
the bike costed IDR 15.000 a day long.
looks so 70s, but bike can be a good companion during your stay there
can't ride a bike? no worries. just do exactly like I did :
nebeng orang doonnggg hahaha *evil laugh*
(thanks to Cong for the ride. maaf ya gw berat banget emang)
then ta-daa! we parked the bikes and started walking from here :
took pictures, played with the water for a while, then off we went.
Tidung was divided into 2 parts : the small island and the big one.
all living activities were on the big one, while the small one had no sign of life at all. but the view there was sort of mesmerizing.
this extra hyper ultra long bridge connected those 2 parts

it was much longer that it may seems, trust me.
but the bridge itself was enjoyable, since you can clearly see the corals spreading down there.

pretty, isn't it?
and voila! this is the small island, with no people but nice view and cool heavenly breeze :

after a long chitchat plus short daydreaming session there, we decided to get back and rent a boat for snorkeling. yeay!
short intermezzo :
before I left, my dad strictly forbade me from snorkeling, swimming, or any other water activities (since I can't swim at all, thanks for reminding me again and again Dad).
but then I just couldn't resist the fresh water and my curiosity for underwater view. so I put on my snorkeling gear, and SPLASH!
got some small scratches from the sharp corals down there. geez
and look what the guide had taken for us : a real, fresh, live sea star!

it had the same color with ichu's swallow haha
we enjoyed sunset view up on the boat while going around the island. I also took some pictures, playing with the sunset. but the sunset there was much better on your eye than on the camera screen.
here's one of my experiment result :

thanks Lely for modeling!
there are other more stories after this, but I'll just stop here since I've already wrote too much.
if you're interested, here I give you the contact number:
Pak Haji Hamid
085 888 742 129
c'est tout. don't hesitate to go there people. hidup pariwisata Indonesia!