welcome to the last week of March!
as I've told before, my highschool honeybunnies Irma Savitri Sani, Lidya Trilestari Kosasih, and I myself planned to meet up. so that was exactly what we do.
5W 1H
Who : Lidya, Irma, Vera, Yurika, and I
What : sushi all you can eat!
Where : Ra Sushi Citos
When : Tuesday, March 23rd
Why : because I miss them :)
How : got there with the help of Debora Bus. though the ride back to Depok was super horrible that I felt like being inside an old sardine can
Crab Salad. it tasted so good that I ordered about 3-5 plates just for myself.
Tamago Sushi. I had to convince the girls that the egg was well cooked. they kept on asking "Is that really chicken egg? How does is taste? Is it raw?" and so on and so on
now jump to Wednesday.
5W 1H
Who : Satya. Thia, Lely, Dewi, Uthie, Nuni, and I (sorry if I forgot someone)
What : Satya's jumping accident
Where : FIB, in front of library, exactly in the middle of the campus
When : Wednesday, March 24rd
Why : because she is Satya, doing something silly is like breathing for her :p
How : here's the chronology...
Satya and Thia walked on the short wall next to the pathway, pretended to be supermodels and waved their hands Miss Universe way. then Lely joined the craziness, and I started to take pictures.
see all their jeans : clean, spotless, hole-less, scratchless.
we laughed our ass off like there was no tomorrow. then someone (i totally didn't know who) started shouting "Come on you three JUMP!"
as you can see, the wall is kinda high if you want to jump. and sane people would have respond "no" to that jumping suggestion.
but don't call us Germans if we are not insane (see Hitler? he was a very appropriate example). all the 3 of them almost jumped, but they stopped when a lecturer of us passed by.
she looked at them as if she had never knew them all before.
I counted 1 2 3, intended to capture the moment when they were really jumping. but when I hadn't even start with 1, Satya jumped...
she landed just perfectly, but a second later she fell on her knees and she rolled down the pathway. yes it must be pretty painful, but everyone kept on holding their tummy and laughing.
even after her cellphone flew out of her pocket, hit the ground, and scattered into pieces... we shouted shockingly, but then we simply laughed again, included Satya herself. oh my
then Thia shouted : "Satya jeans lu sampe bolong buseettt"
then we all saw her knee and it looked like this :
wanna try a new idea to DIY your jeans? try Satya's way then.
we tried to clean up the dirt from the wound, but it didn't seem to work I guess.
we ended up in the toilet, washing the wound. then we were about 20 mins late for the next class. thank God the lecturer was a total nice. we rushed into the class and tell the rest of our friends about what just happened. I ended that day being too tired for laughing and running too much.
that's absolutely why I love my life now. it's wacky tacky crazy, but that's the reason that keeps me expecting, what other surprises waiting for me ahead?
well, I just wanna say one thing.
enjoy your life. ignore all the minuses and focus on the pluses, then you can always start the day with a big smile on your pretty face.
see you with other stories! need to sleep now, it's already 2 AM now, geez.