Sunday 6 February 2011

once upon a Saturday midnight...

I surfed the internet.
I listened to Stereophonics - Maybe Tomorrow.
I clicked "pause" on my iTunes.
I put on my orange spongy slippers.
I got in to my bathroom.
I did my toilet business.
I thought about... well, you.
I stepped my left foot out of my bathroom.
I stepped my right foot out of my bathroom.
It happened so fast, then
I felt my head hitting the wall.
I felt my bottom hitting the floor so hard.
I sat still, totally stunned.
I thought, anjir pala gw sakit banget.
I touched my upper right head.
First word popped up in my head :
Am I amnesiac?
Who am I? Yuke.
How to say my name in German? Ich bin Yuke.
OK, I'm not amnesiac.
Anjir masih tetep sakit.

Gimana caranya ngobatin benjol???

1 comment:

Felicia Primadita said...

pke thrombophop yuk. *gw lupa gimana nulisny* tp gel bening dgn segel pink peach putih gtu deh..hahaha..