Saturday 16 July 2011

Last last last last Monday Night

punchline #1
Rissa : (looking at the menu) "Hmm... Mbak? .... Lagi apa?"

punchline #2
Fira : "Mas mau pesen ORANGE NIPIS." (instead of jeruk nipis, or lime, or something)

punchline #3
Fira : (to the waiter, dengan nada super unyu 2011, bibir manyun remaja masa kini) "Maasss, punya aku manaaaa?"

punchline #4
(looking together at this cheese sausage)
(hint : that sensitive, private part dangling between guy's legs)

punchline #5
(on the way back to kost, inside the taxi, stuck on a minor traffic jam. saw a giant tractor crossing the street)
Caca : "Itu apaan dah ijo-ijo gede, kayak Godjali."
Me : "Hah? Godjali?"
Caca : "Eh maksud gw GODZILLA!"
Taxi Driver : (langsung ngumpetin muka, keliatan banget pengen ngakak tapi diempet)

well, those were my "unique" kost mates. ehm, not really sure if the word "unique" suits them right, actually.

quoting Catatan Harian Si Boy (not exactly the same, I typed as precise as I could remember) :

"Keluarga kita semua itu disfungsional. Karena itulah ada temen, mereka itu keluarga yang lo pilih sendiri."
(sumpah ini asal, pokoknya kira2 intinya begitu lah)

so, I don't really care about the fact that all of them are totally dysfunctional. I chose them, and I'm quite pleased to have all of them, those dysfunctional-in-a-good-way mates.
oh man sometimes I just don't understand, how could these moronic clowns be gathered, and why? man oh man

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